IDEA empresa dedicada a Medicina y salud y Salud y Belleza
Anyone with dentures knows how important the teeth, gums and jawbone are as support for the lips, cheeks and lower face. Loss of these important structures gives an appearance of premature aging and for many people causes emotional distress and a loss of self-esteem. Implant-supported teeth and dentures can slow down this aging process and help improve self esteem and the often-felt loss of intimacy. So, while functional benefits are the most obvious, cosmetic and emotional benefits are for many people as important as, or more important than, improved chewing.
With dental implants you will be able to eat almost anything you would eat with your natural teeth.
What is a dental implant
A dental implant is nothing more than a metal screw that is placed into the jaw bone. It acts as an anchor for a false tooth or a set of false teeth. The slide to the left shows the replacement of a lateral incisor with a dental implant retained restoration. Roll your cursor over the image to see the implant.
Who is a candidate for dental implants
Anyone in reasonable health who wants to replace missing teeth. You must have enough bone in the area of the missing teeth to provide for the anchorage of the implants. Some people are missing all their teeth and most of those are excellent candidates for dental implants, but today, we use implants to replace small bridges, removable partial dentures and even missing single teeth.
Why have dental implants become so popular
As our lifespan increases, the need for some type of permanent dental replacement system becomes very important to our overall health. Dentures and removable bridges have obvious problems: They are loose and unstable. Implants can provide people with dental replacements that are both functional and esthetic. The demand was always there, we just needed the tools to fulfill that demand.
Implantes Dentales Estética y Arte
Azcuénaga 1877 Planta Baja "A"
entre Av. Las
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